Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time VISTO (Volunteers In Service To Others) was created in 1980 in collaboration with the Ministerial Alliance with the mission ''to help people in times of crisis and enable them to get back on their feet.'' Cooke County United Way envisions a community where good will and selflessness inspire neighbors to help neighbors. Gainesville Swing Orchestra, North Central Texas Chorale,Butterfield Stage, Gainesville Area Visual Arts Texas Federation of Republican Women Federated Club -Provide glasses to children in need ince 1910, Catholic Charities Fort Worth has acted collaboratively to bring about real improvements in peoples’ quality of life and assist individuals based on need, regardless of religion affiliation Our Pregnancy Center in Gainesville (ABBA Women's Center) is equipped with state of the art ultrasound equipment along with caring professionals who provide guidance and loving advice regarding your baby and the serious choices you may be facing For 46 years, Texoma Regional Blood Center has been committed to promoting excellence in transfusion medicine and related activities. TRBC is a member of America's Blood Centers, South Central Association of Blood Banks, is accredited by the AABB - American Association of Blood Banks, and is licensed by the Food & Drug Administration and CLIA. These organizations play a major role in communicating advances in transfusion medicine nationwide. A place for seniors to socialize, exercise, etc. CASA of North Texas recruits, trains and gives support to everyday people who act as volunteer advocates for children who have suffered abuse and/or neglect and found themselves in foster care. The Valley View Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization committed to the economic development of the Valley View area, focused on the promotion of the business community. 501(c)(3) organization established to build a fund through community donations to provide scholarships and grants to Valley View graduates. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities. Camp Sweeney’s mission is to build a family that can help to support campers through all of the highs and lows of Type 1 diabetes. Serving youth and families in Cooke County, we want to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential, as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Cooke County Republican Party is the local branch of the Republican Party of Texas, espousing conservative principles of smaller government free enterprise, individual freedom, personal responsibility, strong national defense and support of our military, Veterans and law enforcement. Registering voters and providing non-partisan information regarding elections, candidates, and voting locations and times. The Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce is a collaboration of caring citizens investing their resources in developing their community. Our mission is to support youth education and development, continuing education, recreation, and economic expansion for the people of Cooke County and the surrounding areas. Non-Profit Organization | 24-Hours Emergency Shelter | Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocacy Non-Residential Services | Child Advocacy Center | Community Advocacy & Prevention Education We help each student succeed while they are at school and when they re-enter society. The mission of Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service is to provide quality, relevant, outreach and continuing education programs and services to the people of Texas.
Kiwanis Club Of Gainesville
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time
VISTO (Volunteers In Service To Others) was created in 1980 in collaboration with the Ministerial Alliance with the mission ''to help people in times of crisis and enable them to get back on their feet.''
Cooke County United Way
Cooke County United Way envisions a community where good will and selflessness inspire neighbors to help neighbors.
Cooke County Arts Council, Inc.
Gainesville Swing Orchestra, North Central Texas Chorale,Butterfield Stage, Gainesville Area Visual Arts
Cooke County Republican Women
Texas Federation of Republican Women Federated Club
Gainesville Lions Club
-Provide glasses to children in need
-Vision Screenings
-Vision Screenings
Catholic Charities Fort Worth-Northwest Campus
ince 1910, Catholic Charities Fort Worth has acted collaboratively to bring about real improvements in peoples’ quality of life and assist individuals based on need, regardless of religion affiliation
ABBA Women's Center
Our Pregnancy Center in Gainesville (ABBA Women's Center) is equipped with state of the art ultrasound equipment along with caring professionals who provide guidance and loving advice regarding your baby and the serious choices you may be facing
Texoma Regional Blood Center
For 46 years, Texoma Regional Blood Center has been committed to promoting excellence in transfusion medicine and related activities. TRBC is a member of America's Blood Centers, South Central Association of Blood Banks, is accredited by the AABB - American Association of Blood Banks, and is licensed by the Food & Drug Administration and CLIA. These organizations play a major role in communicating advances in transfusion medicine nationwide.
Stanford House
A place for seniors to socialize, exercise, etc.
CASA of North Texas
CASA of North Texas recruits, trains and gives support to everyday people who act as volunteer advocates for children who have suffered abuse and/or neglect and found themselves in foster care.
Valley View Area Chamber of Commerce
The Valley View Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization committed to the economic development of the Valley View area, focused on the promotion of the business community.
Valley View Education Foundation
501(c)(3) organization established to build a fund through community donations to provide scholarships and grants to Valley View graduates.
Gainesville Area Habitat For Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.
Camp Sweeney
Camp Sweeney’s mission is to build a family that can help to support campers through all of the highs and lows of Type 1 diabetes.
Boys & Girls Club of Cooke County
Serving youth and families in Cooke County, we want to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential, as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Cooke County Republican Party
Cooke County Republican Party is the local branch of the Republican Party of Texas, espousing conservative principles of smaller government free enterprise, individual freedom, personal responsibility, strong national defense and support of our military, Veterans and law enforcement.
League of Women Voters of Cooke County
Registering voters and providing non-partisan information regarding elections, candidates, and voting locations and times.
Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
The Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce is a collaboration of caring citizens investing their resources in developing their community.
Cooke County Fair Association
Our mission is to support youth education and development, continuing education, recreation, and economic expansion for the people of Cooke County and the surrounding areas.
Abigail's Arms Cooke County Family Crisis Center
Non-Profit Organization | 24-Hours Emergency Shelter | Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocacy Non-Residential Services | Child Advocacy Center | Community Advocacy & Prevention Education
Student Support Council For Gainesville State Scho
We help each student succeed while they are at school and when they re-enter society.
Texas Agrilife Extension - Cooke County
The mission of Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service is to provide quality, relevant, outreach and continuing education programs and services to the people of Texas.