MuseumsEntertainmentMedal of Honor Information Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Driving Directions: Located in the downtown area two blocks south of the Courthouse on the left at the corner of Dixon and Pecan Street.
Housed in an 1884 building in downtown Gainesville, the Morton Museum possesses a proud past. Opened in 1968 as a result of dedicated citizens wishing to save it from demolition, the building itself is its own best exhibit. Originally erected as Gainesville’s
Morton Museum of Cooke County
Santa Fe Depot Hours: By Appointment
From I-35 take California Street exit to downtown area.
From Hwy. 82W, take DixonAbout Us
combination city hall, fire station and calaboose, the preservation and restoration of the structure was made possible by Granville and Gladys Morton.
The museum maintains a photographic collection of material for researchers to utilize. A staff person is available to aid individuals in genealogy research.
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