Tanner is a TXFB Insurance agent that helps families and individuals with their Life, Home, and Auto insurance. His mission is to educate first and foremost and second help everyone obtain a plan that best protects them and their families, for their exact situations.
Tanner Petska - Texas Farm Bureau Insurance
About Us
Goals: Tanner’s goal is to reach as many people as possible and help make an impact with his experience and the gifts he’s given.
Mission Statement: Being able to help and serve local families is why I got into this business.
Making sure your insurance agent and plan is there to take care of you in the most trying of times is what makes you more family than just clients. Respect and Financial Security in the event of a tragedy whether accident or disaster is what we pride ourselves on!
Purpose: We are here to promote Agriculture in our community, give back and willingly be involved in our community, and offer you to be part of an amazing company to service your Life, Home, & Auto Insurance.
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