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The reason we have so much success with weight loss at Curis Functional Health is because we know that everyone’s reason for weight gain can be completely different. Weight gain for some patients results from stress or poor lifestyle choices, and for others it can be more complicated. It’s not uncommon for us to find that some people are pre-diabetic and need assistance with handling blood sugars. Others may struggle with weight loss because of infections or conditions like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.
Activate DNA-Based Weight Loss
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At Curis Functional Health, we follow the Activate DNA Weight Loss Program for fat loss. Additionally, as part of this program we utilize Genetic Testing to determine the right plan for you. A well-known clinical study was performed by one of America’s top universities, Stanford University, to determine if DNA testing was effective to assist in helping people to lose weight. When compared to other well-established and effective weight loss programs, those people that were on a meal plan that was specific to their genetic profile lost 2.5 times more weight than those that were not on an individualized plan. The science clearly speaks for itself. This is the reason why we utilize genetic testing to identify the best plan for you. This allows us to put the control back in your hands! For the rest of your life, you will know how to eat and to be as healthy as possible. The test is completely painless, non-invasive, and an imperative part of your focused lifestyle change.
Get ready to make the changes that will make sense for you!
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